going highlands

Before the end of the schools break, my daughters managed to persuade their dad to spend a day at Cameron Highlands. The original plan was to go to Bukit Tinggi in Pahang but he refused to go for some reasons. He has been busy with his work and study thus he he doesn't care much about going for holiday... i don't remember the last time we went for a holiday as a family...

Weekends were out of question since there were more than half a dozen wedding invitations that we need to attend. So, anyway last Tuesday morning off we went to Cameron Highlands; just the five of us, hubby and I and the three girls who were beyond excited to go (none of the boys were going). 

 Since hubby had given a condition that he would be studying in the car all 
the way if he was to go (his exam was on the following day), so Sha was driving and I could tell that she loved every moment of it..

We arrived there at around noon and the place seemed crowded with people as it was school holiday. But we managed to find our way to a quite number of places to feast our eyes and shop except the regular spots like Kea farm, cactus points and butterfly farm coz we couldn't find the parking there...

our first stop where they grow beautiful mushrooms...we bought some fresh asparagus here...

their famous strawberry bushes...

the girls enjoying their shopping time...

fresh strawberry dipped in chocolate, yummy...

Admiring the giant cactus at the Rose Valley...

Queuing up for some tea and scones at the 'tea house' at Bharat tea plantation

Scones and carrot cake

Finally, before we left, we just captured the beautiful view and moment, unleashed ourselves and enjoyed the fresh air like there’s no tomorrow. 

By the way, we bought two rose plants (red and yellow), one hydrangea and one pot of yellow dahlia to replace the old ones...


  1. seronoknya teacher, nak ikut jugak!!!

  2. Hello, Mr. B... Cam ne dengan study skrg???

    1. aishhh!!!perli ye 'Mr.B'??
      study okay je,
      saya amik aviation,
      di ipts
      parent tak kasi amik ipta

  3. blajar kat mana pun x kisah, yg penting awak nk blajar...
    Good Luck Am...

    1. okay teacher,
      rindu nak jumpa teacher,
      thank 4 yur wish
      nt kita jumpa di kustech ye

    2. Datang la bila free, jgn lupa bawa sweets, lol


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