Not so sunny weekend...

Even though the sky was not so bright yesterday, my hubby and I managed to take my mum to a nursery  to look for some plants and soil to make her busy (initially, we wanted to take her to MAHA 2010 but after reading a lot of negative comments about it, we changed our minds and took her to a local nursery instead) 

She seemed to be contented with it and suggested a few plants. I particularly don't like flowering plants since my bad record with orchids and roses, however, yesterday I was fascinated with this plant and decided to buy it with my mum's approval of course.

And if this plant survives and continues flowering, I promise my daughters to buy this yellow daisy next time for them...

Upon reaching home and although it was slightly raining my mum started filling in the pots with soil and started to plant. She was soon joined by her over-excited grandchildren......
