
Showing posts from November, 2013

Another Hijab tutorial

Well, this is another interesting hijab tutorial that I found in Radiusite  page. It is easy to follow step by step and you can check their facebook page for more...

To do list...

It's the first week of the year end school holidays. I have about six weeks to enjoy doing the things that I've always wanted to do earlier...but I guess I've been procrastinating and starting pretty slow, but it's okay at least I have started reading yesterday and almost finishing (some books are pretty slow to finish...) Perhaps, I'm a bit ambitious, but I have a  list of things to do/accomplish within this period ... it's okay to dream, I guess... 1. Read the books that I bought during the Big Bad Wolf Sales  last year to complete my reading challenge, three more books to go. 2. Try new recipes, this might be interesting... 3. Work on my garden, replanting and reorganizing, plant new herbs perhaps... 4. Reorganizing my closets and bookshelves 5. Do some house chores 6. Complete my module for new subject next year...( marketing, eh? ) 7. Travel to places I've never been... 8. Read more Quran... 9. Buy some new clothes...