Well..... the truth is you simply don't......it's something that I learnt that from my previous boss who advised me years back when I jhad just started my early career, the three magic words "never say no". Just the other day, I was debating with myself whether to say no or just accept my boss's suggestion (read: order) without giving him a slightest idea that I'm not capable of doing it ......it's kinda hard to explain coz it's not my job and I don't want to be a scapegoat to be doing it just because somebody else doesn't want to do it. Anyway, it happened in the meeting, out of the blue like one bright idea bestowed upon him, my boss suggested me doing it ......which, no doubt appalled everyone in the committee and I was left absolutely stunned and speechless........obviously, I didn't make any comment and it was decided then.... Later, came few close friends playing devil's advocate......'This is not your ...
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