google image As proud as a peacock and that's exactly how we describe a narcissist. Never in my life I thought that I would like to write anything about this. Even though last year when one of my friends had opened a discussion about this issue on facebook, I didn't join in. For me, it's natural for us to possess some amount of narcissism just to boost our self-esteem but when somebody is too obsessed about himself/herself, it becomes so annoying...not that I'm jealous of that person or anything the like, it's just plain simple pain in the neck to be facing this narcissist almost everyday in my working life......The recurring incidents that I experinced in the past few weeks have prompted me to write this post... I have come to a point that I feel I would burst every time she opens her mouth coz every single word she utters would be about her, her and her, and of course she is always right. Not only that she ...