Look at today's date....OMG! it's the first of February already .. ermm..how fast time flies (they say time flies when we have a good time, but did I have good times in Jan?) Well...Let's see, actually I have this intention to write a reflection at the end of every month in this blog, so that I can keep track with all the achievements and happenings throughout the month. January had been a hectic month with all the plannings, meetings, deadlines and executions, but so far so good...none of the those aforesaid matters is outstanding, except for the ongoing projects(huhu, projects make them sound very important.....but they are....) I'm well aware that I haven't written any goals or resolutions for this year, but I've made a mental note of it and here it goes: have a healthy lifestyle get more organized - at work and home be a better wife, mother and teacher read 10 novels for this year spend more quality time with my family I ...