I know its a bit too late for me to be reading this trilogy but what the heck, better late than never, so the saying goes....When I first laid my eyes on these books last year, I've never thought that I would read them as obviously they are not my types, I don't really go for crime stories (even though, I read Sidney Sheldon's) but last month when my friend told me that she was reading the third book of this trilogy, it occurred to me that these books must be great...so, I bought the first two when I had the chance and they were on discount... By the end of October I've finished reading both of the great books, it took me about three weeks to finish those books, juggling my times reading and other routine. I must say the story is different from what I've normally read and it doesn't finish even after I've the second one...thus, I needed to get the third book. The third book is the conclusion to all of the mysteries. Even so, f...