February Reflection

Last January, I have started this so-called monthly reflection...and here is my February's.....if I could remember correctly, I think I would start living a healthy life which means to eat healthily and do exercise....I've been trying, quite unsuccessfully, I'm afraid to exercise on cross-trainer...my target was at least twice a week but it seems it was only twice a month for Feb (too bad).

Again, I guess time is to be blamed and it is the best excuse to be found....busy, tight schedule and so forth...And as far as food is concerned, I think i'm pretty satisfied with what I have achieved so far...even though I find it hard to have green tea everyday, at least i'm trying to.....

As for my reading, I have finished reading the first novel last month and now have started on the second one....will be finished during the coming school holidays....no worries about achieving ten books for this year..

And since everybody seemed to be pretty preoccupied last month, it was less spending time together (even when we were having take-out pizza and cake for my oldest's birthday's dinner, two members of the family were not around i.e. dad and sha). Need to work on that during the holidays or weekends....

Well, obviously for this month much effort is needed to cover up what had been amiss in February...
(need to work more, need more efforts....hehe)


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